Monday, 17 December 2012

Production Plan

Christmas Half Term:
Over the Christmas Half Term I am filming as much of my music video as I can. I have not been able to get a college camera for over half term so I am going to use my dads camera.

I have currently filmed shots 3,4,5 and they are on the editing suite along with the music for my video.

I have also managed to get a lot of filming done at the Demoraliser gig so I can also use them for my music video. The shots I managed to get at the gig was 16,17,18,19,20,24. These shots are either 3seconds or 5seconds each and will be used when there are instrumentals throughout the music video.

I have also filmed shots 25,26,27 and they are later on in my music video.

The plan throughout half term is to film the remaining shots, which are:
1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30.

There are some shots (6 and 28) which I have not stated on my storyboards because I do not know what to put in for them. I am going to decide what to put in the gaps when I have got more filming finished so I know what to put in and also what goes with the story. 

A lot of my shots are been repeated throughout the second part of the song after it says 'Did you think for a moment, that I wouldn't find you, and hunt you down like the animal you are'.

When it comes to putting all of the music video together, if the live gig shots do not work I can go to my friends band practice and record them covering the song. This may be a better idea due to the fact it will not be dark and I will be able to see more. If i film the live performance from the other band I will still use several shots from the gig throughout my music video. 

I also need to talk to the girl which is featuring in my music video and find out when she is free. We haven't been able to do any filming yet due to the fact she doesn't have any frees when I do and also the fact when she is free on a weekend I am working. 

The majority of my music video will be shot over Christmas half-term. 

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