Thursday, 18 April 2013

Evaluation - Question Three

Question Three: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

For my audience feedback I  have learnt that my music video works well with my song. The first question I asked was do you think that the narrative to my music video works well with the song? From the audience feedback I received the comments said that the music video works well with the song because 'it portrays anger and worry' and the other feedback I was given with an explanation said that it works well 'because you can tell he is ashamed of something'. The feedback was good because I aimed to make it look like the male actor was ashamed and also angry at what he had done.

For my second question I asked do you think that the shots in black and white would look better in colour? All three replies said no and they all give a reason. The first reason was that it gives it a different meaning in black and white. One of my other feedbacks said that it gives a feeling of sadness and the other one said it looks better than the shots in colour. My aim in making some of the shots in black and white was to create a sense of sadness so I have managed to create a sense of sadness throughout the video if people are realising.

My third question I asked was taking the genre of music into consideration, do you think I chose the best actors? All three of the feedback forms said that I had the right actors to the music genre. All three of the replies had a positive comment on the genre and how the actors fitted into it. The replies said 'all fits well' and 'that the like the genre' and 'that they look the part'. I am happy that the feedback I got was positive and that they thought that the actors belonged in the video and also the genre of music in which the song is from.

My fourth question that I asked on my feedback form was do you think that the music video looks like it belongs in the genre of music it is associated too? All three of the feedback forms said that my music video belongs in the genre of music. One of the comments I had was saying that the band performing fits in well and the other reply I had was saying that the actors looked the part to be in the music video. This was another positive comment about my music video because I had managed to make the video look like one that would be associated with that genre of music.

The last question I asked on my audience feedback was what improvements could I have made to make the music video better? I had mixed responses for this question and all three gave possible improvements. One of the responses was make it a bit lighter. This is an improvement which could be made and I am aware of that. The reason why it was so dark is because it was filmed at Ringside when Demoraliser were playing. One of the other responses was to make the full video into black and white. I didn’t want to make the full video into black and white. I did not want to make my full video into black and white because it wouldn’t have the same effect. The last improvement which could be made is making the shots match the song lyrics. I should have put lip syncing into the music video but I wanted to do a narrative and I didn’t want to put any more in due to me having the live performance in my video.

The next set of questions I asked were about my ancillary text:

The first question I asked about my ancillary text was do you think my ancillary text works well with my music video? All three responses said yes and I got two comments on why it works well with my music video. One of the responses was because the images are taken from the narrative. The images I took were taken in the same place and he also had the same clothing on but the images were taken on another day after the filming. The other comment was that they worked well together because the images are taken at the same location as the music video was filmed.

The next question I asked was do you think my ancillary text would look better in more detail? All three of the answers came back as no. This is because no more detail is needed on either of the ancillary texts and also that too much would ruin it. The next question run alongside this one and it was do you think my ancillary text could be improved? One of the answers was no and no comment was left but the other two answers both said yes. And the reason for improving my ancillary would just be changing the font.

The second to last question was do you think my ancillary text looks good in black and white alongside my music video? All three of the answers were yes again. The comments ranged from it works well to the continuity is good.

The last question I asked was overall, what is your opinion on my music video and ancillary texts? I got two responses for this question and the responses said that the music video would look better if it was black and white and that the ancillary text works well alongside the music video and that the other participant of my audience feedback said she liked it and it looked good.
Overall, even though I know there is a lot of improving I could do to my music video to make it better there has been a lot of positive feedback from the people who participated in watching my video and replying through the audience feedback form. I am happy with the feedback I have received and that also the music video represents the genre of music which the song belongs to because that was the one thing I was worried about throughout the making of my music video.

Audience Feedback by Fitzy! on GoAnimate

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